Employer Brand Strategy Summit (EBSS), Asia
2011-05-30 14:06  浏览:240



Employer Brand Strategy Summit (EBSS), Asia


7-9, December, 2011


Independently organized by LinLead, Employer Brand Strategy Summit (EBSS), Asia 2011 will be China and Asia’s 1st independent “Employer Branding themed event / meeting exclusive to forward-thinking Chinese and Asian Recruitment, Human Resource Management, CSR and Corporate Branding professionals and senior executives, on 7-9 December, 2011 in China.


Following rising awareness and importance of Employer Branding concept across the globe since 1990s, more and more international and regional leading players have been deploying or will deploy systematic Employer Brand Strategies in Asian and Chinese markets, to survive the war for talent and thrive further. However, a question remains unanswered: is Employer Branding is more tactical or strategic enough?


Stakeholders will have chances to discuss and explore further at the 3 days summit, where Chinese and Asian forward-thinking professionals in Employer Brand Management, HR Management, CRS and Corporate Branding, will be facilitated to understand well a broad set of functions and aspects key to create, develop, manage and sustain an employer brand strategy successfully, to attract, retain and inspire talent effectively, then enhance organization’s Employer Value, improve Employee Productivity and therefore escalate Customer Value to win in emerging markets.


In addition to providing a good grounding in the theories that underpin the discipline of employer brand management, this summit will also provide many Case Study examples of employer brand strategies deployed by the world’s leading brands, with particular emphasis on how organizations have applied this thinking within China and Asia.


Thanks to LinLead’s past organization and operation of the masterclass series of Developing an Effective Employer Brand Strategy in China, Linlead’s Employer Brand Strategy Summit (EBSS), Asia 2011will independently provide all high level participants with opportunities exchanging business intelligence and platforms facilitating emerging thought leadership, compassing Employer Brand Strategy.

More details on www.linlead.net


HR, Marketing, CRS, Management



Contact name:

Joseph Zhang

Contact tel:

+86 (0)10 57176354

Contact email:


Contact fax:

+86 (0)10 85711149


