Bye Bye, HR?Airbnb不再设立首席人才官的背后
2016-09-20 11:43  浏览:753
本文中文版经原作者授权,由领励EBS学习团队翻译并发布,未经授权,不得转载。原作者Ben Whitter是一位备受赞誉的领导力专家,致力于推动“Tsunami Leadership”。作为组织发展领域的知名人士,Ben同时担任宁波诺丁汉大学的组织与人才发展负责人.

The Author Mr. Ben Whitter is the multi-award winningTsunami Leader. As a recognised leader within organisational development, Ben currently leads the Organisation and People Development function for The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). He grants LinLead to pulish, and the Chinese text is translated by EBS learning team with LinLead.


The never-ending debate aboutthe future of Human Resources took another major twist as Airbnb, a company valued at $25.5 billion dollars based in the shared economy space, recently announced that they are redefining their HR function in terms of what it is andwhat it does with the appointment of a new Global Head of Employee Experienceto oversee and connect everything to do with their “workplace as an experience”vision, which is central to their culture and customer-centric approach.

You know better than I that debate is not new within HR as a profession. It seems like one epic rap battle between those on one side, those on another, and then there are the observersin the middle who are simply waiting for a seminal moment or announcement onwho won and then they can quickly go about implementing the next model immediately once they have attended the relevant conference or workshop.

Others though, don’t wait. They get on with creating a brand of HR suited to and built within their business and context, and it makes a huge difference to business performance.

This is also reflected across the business World with HR being elevated to the top table within some organisations, the CEO’s No.2 in some cases, whilst at the same time, other companies are busy downgrading HR to an administration function with organisational development in its own right taking the strategic spot or beingfused with HR in some fashion. Training and L&D also come into play in whatis a mixed bag of approaches. The range of titles, services and functions varybut it is all chipping away at the same challenge.

拉姆·查兰和Josh Bersin,分别旗帜鲜明的提出“人力资源部分拆论”,和“人力资源部整合论”,并各执己见,终于让关于人力资源部的分歧“大白于天下”。
The desire then, presentedby Ram Charan, in his proposal on splitting HR and the subsequent response by JoshBersin indicates partially what’s been playing out in the profession for waytoo long- although both colleagues present good and valid points within their respective articles.

在《人比战略更重要:首席人力资源官的新任务》中,拉姆·查兰并和来自麦肯锡的全球管理合伙人Dominic Barton,以及光辉国际的Dennis Carey一起,要求重新评估首席人才官的角色,进一步向就有的人力资源管理模型“开战”,呼吁重新定义人力资源部的新形象和新使命。
In People Before Strategy: A New Role for the CHRO, Ram Charan returned with Dominic Barton, global managing director of McKinsey & Co., and Dennis Carey of Korn/Ferry International to present a view that sets out to re-evaluate the Chief HR role and there continues to be fierce resistance to established models of HR, which does add some weight to the argument that HR needs a re-brand and a renewed focus.

Quite frankly, the debate has tended to be a circular argument in that it just keeps going round and around, and what’s more interesting is the extent to which ithas and continues to be driven from within the profession, which has only madethe very real gripes against HR stronger.

Does this suggest an identity crisiswithin HR? Perhaps, but perhaps the field is also getting restless as our manypractitioners and colleagues know they are ready to play more instrumentalroles within organisations in what is quickly becoming a more meaningful economy.

The best people and HR leaders I know have been labeled maverick at one time or another because theybuild something that goes against the norm, they challenge the status quo, andthey see beyond the perceived limitations of their function and therefore extend well beyond it.

他们清晰的知道如何能够给员工创造最棒的工作体验,比如谷歌公司的人才运营副总裁Laszlo Bock、西南航空和雅虎前任人力资源副总裁Libby Sartain,和Airbnb的Mark Levy都是这样的例子。
They bring meaning to the workplace and it runs through everything that affects people. The other thing they do get is a clear mandate from the top to create the best employee experience possible, which is a big advantage as people like Laszlo Bock (VP, People Operations, Google), Libby Sartain (Former Yahoo/Southwest Airlines, VP People) and others like Airbnb’s MarkLevy would vouch for.

I’m an optimist, but I’m certainly not alone in thinking HR and organisations are on the verge of a major moment in their history together. In fact, it's happening already.

作为一个应景的例子,Mark Levy在Airbnb的新职位是首席员工体验官,将把传统的诸如招聘和人才发展的人力资源管理职能,与市场营销、工作场所运营、企业社会责任项目和传播职能相统合。
As a timely example, Mark Levy’s newrole of Chief Employee Experience Officer at Airbnb combines traditional HR functions ofrecruiting and talent development with marketing, real estate, facilities,social responsibility, and communications.

That’s quite a platform, but that’s not the HR success story here.

What is clear is that this move quite visibly positionsthe employee experience as critical to the business, not HR. This is absolutely right, in my view, and gives practitioners the confidence and belief to know that HR is no longer a support function within the business, because the employee experience, to a large extent, is the business.

I can see the repercussions now in how wedevelop, grow, and accredit HR people within our profession. It is the employee experience that is the clear winner, and as a HR guy, I like what this says about the future workplace once other sectors start catching up, and they will.

There is no question that the transition from HR thinking to Employee Experience thinking will be a challenge for companies to get to grips with as many other organisationsare joining the race to re-focus their HR efforts on the employee experience.

Instead of asking why, I think the bigger question is why it is taking so long for employers to act on the basic truth that it is employees whodeliver the value to customers and keep them coming back for more.

All of whom are currently enjoying through-the-roof 2015 approval ratings alongside top employer rankings largely delivered by theirpeople-centric approaches and wholehearted support of creating leading,forward-thinking and progressive workplaces. That people thing…they take itvery seriously, because in this economy they both want and have to. It is criticalto their success.

遗憾,接受这样的新思维的公司至今还是少数,这样的CEO也是屈指可数:Brian Chesky、Larry Page、Jeff Weiner、Mark Parker、Charles C.Butt,、Scott Scherr或者Mark Zuckerberg。

But not every company sees it that way, and not every company has a CEO like Brian Chesky, Larry Page, Jeff Weiner, Mark Parker, Charles C.Butt, Scott Scherr, or Mark Zuckerberg。

There's a whole host of others named, ranked, and rated by Glassdoor on their CEO performance, and you may be surprised that these are companies that could be operating in your market, doing what you do, but in a very different way.

It's not all about the tech firms and employee experience is not all aboutperks, which is a reoccurring theme when citing great workplaces and their impact on productivity and performance.

It’s actually about creating meaningful experiences within work and meaningful organisations.

That being said, how easy would it be for you to follow Airbnb in creating a function dedicated to the employee experience that brings together multiple functions (or silos ifthey are starting to hinder collective progress), which all play a major organisational role and get them all aligned and driving your business forward?

If you're at the top of the pile, easy, right? If you're a HR practitioner or a middle manager, potentially not so easy as you'll need to work your ideas up and across thechain, a process that could take a short or long period of time depending on your particular circumstances.

Focusing on the employee experience appearsto be common sense, but as many out there will tell you, it isn’t commonly applied, and if it were, there are always inevitable challenges within thestatus quo.

Is it easy to re-focus HR on the whole employee experience?

Maybe. Maybe not, but for the HR profession and organisations in general, the journey is going to be well worth it.