2016-07-29 08:48  浏览:547

本文经原作者授权由领励EBS雇主品牌学习团队翻译为中文版并连同原稿同时发布;未经授权,请勿转载。作者Andrew Farmer先生在韦莱韬悦特从事雇主品牌和人才招募研究。洽询或投稿,请电邮至service@linleadmeeting.com。The Author Mr. Andrew Farmer serves Willis Towers Watson in terms of Employer Brand and Talent Attraction. He grants LinLead to pulish, and translate into Chinese. Write to service@linleadmeeting.com for more.


英文原标题:What’s the Value of Employee Experience Mapping?

Employee experience journey mapping is so critical to any organisation who invests intheir employer brand and wants to ensure it’s being delivered in the best way.

员工体验(旅程)地图绘制(EJM - Employee Experience Journey Mapping)对于正在投资雇主品牌的任何组织都重要,特别是在那些希望雇主品牌战略得到最佳执行的地方。

Similar to Customer Journey mapping, Employee experience mapping can help an organisation to understand the ‘moments that matter’ and ensure their EVP is having an impact on the employee journey and making a difference.

类似于顾客体验(旅程)地图(CJM – Customer Experience Journey Mapping)绘制,员工体验(旅程)地图绘制可以帮助组织识别(员工体验的)关键时刻,确保雇员价值主张(EVP – Employee ValueProposition,也有被称之为Employer Value Proposition)能够施加预定影响于员工体验,而创造差别化的优势。

It’s important to look at the experience journey as ‘aspirational’, beyond what the organisation is doing today, but not beyond what is possible for the future.


I believe the following are valuable outputs from mapping out the employee experience:


  • Influence attitudes and behaviour for candidates and employees

  • 影响候选人和员工的态度和行为


Employee experience mapping will play a key role to support the delivery of the brand promise and culture led through the EVP. Mapping out the experience will helpto define areas wher it is critical to influence attitudes and behaviours to ensure the EVP is being lived and breathed in the business.


This will drive the outcomes desired through the brand promise whether it be via the attraction, onboarding or the retention and development stage of the employee journey. With this understanding, it will help take a holistic approach to the employer brand and ensure the desired experience is being led by the employees and business.


  • Insight of the Employee Perspective

  • 提供一个员工的洞察视角 


Employee experience mapping can help an organisation to understand the needs andemotions of their employees at any stage along the journey. Insight into howyou want the employee to think and feel across the employee lifecycle and tounderstand their expectations is so critical to ensure you can see if it aligns with your EVP.

This can range from the very first touch point of the employee lifecycle e.g. the Awareness of your brand and the touch points the candidate might come across along their awareness journey e.g. Careers Website, Social Media Channels, Content Marketing etc.


If we don’t gain an understanding into how we want the employee to think, feel and expect from the brand, we can’t determine if the experience is working in line with the EVP and the promise being communicated.


  • Impact of Employee Experience is great

  • 员工体验的影响力巨大 

Understanding how the employee experience is delivering and making an impact on the front-line operations is vital to ensure it is in line with the brand and howyou want it to be portrayed. The connection between employee experience and customer experience is clear – employees deliver your brand promise and create the customer experience.


As such, employees are the most important touch point in your organization, so understanding the impact of their journey is key in getting this right. it is important to ensure you create the right experience across the various touch points on the employee journey, and they mirror the customer experience you want to deliver.


  • Issues and Opportunities to be Highlighted

  • 发现“痛点”和机会 

Mapping out the employee experience can highlight issues across the journey as well as potential opportunities to make the experience a better one and more reflective of the brand promise. This assessment should be audited at least annually, to highlight any progress made, and for further opportunities to innovate the brand experience.


  • Improve the Customer Journey and Brand Experience

  • 推动顾客(体验)“旅程”和(商业/产品)品牌体验 

Understanding the Customer Journey is important when mapping out the candidate experience journey. The two journeys should mirror each other and present opportunities orareas to improve wher pain points are present. 当勾勒员工(原文作“候选人”)体验“旅程”的时候,很好理解顾客(体验)的“旅程”很重要。这两个“旅程”“交相辉映”,在“痛点”识别和处置上成为彼此的参照场景,同时又相辅相成为彼此提供改进机遇

For example, ensuring the employee is a key component to the customer journey mapping process to highlight wher the employee would make the biggest difference during the customer experience and how the employee should feel when delivering this.


It would also highlight further opportunities to make the employee experience a better one.


Ready to start your own? Use this great toolby UXPressia to bring to life your Employee Experience Map.


