


   发布日期:2014-03-28  浏览次数:306  状态:状态
展会日期 2014-12-02 至 2014-12-03
展出城市 上海
展出地址 上海财大豪生酒店
展馆名称 上海财大豪生酒店
主办单位 LinLead/领励公司
官方网站 http://www.linlead.net/edm





Fighting with either facilitating organization-wide transformation, or advancing for desirable performance from key businesses?  

Leadership is the key and you need vision.



Meanwhile, leadership is a myth and your vision may have not been received well by teams.



So, how shall we Visualise Leadership, to activate The Hidden Advantage for high performance and dynamic teams?



3rd Visualised Leadership Workshop China 2014 Shanghai Stop

In response to this, we invite your organization to send your senior executives to develop personality and enhance personal power -- access Spiritual Intelligence to unleash The Hidden Advantage, by attending the LinLead’s high level leadership development workshop on 2-3, December, 2014 in



Where David Powell, the conceiver and creator of the theory of The Hidden Advantage will conduct the master class on the theory, and lead onsite discussion to uplift delegates’ personal power and advance their leadership competency, with a combined Western and Eastern approach.

将由“潜藏优势”理论的创立者David Powell担任培训嘉宾,系统学习该创新理论;并通过现场讨论环节,探讨东西方领导力概念的结合,推动参会者的人格力量提升和领导能力突破。
Register Now Online, or fax your completed registration form to +86 10 8571 1149, to enjoy the best rate to save the most. 
现在报名将有机会享受特别优惠费率。请点击这里直接在线报名,您也可以填写报名表直接传真回+86 10 8571 1149 
With David as the trainer speaker, who dictates over 40 years professional experience regarding leadership development, with clients spanning the all 5 continents in the world, including London Olympics 2012, the workshop will be No.1 leadership workshop in China in 2014. Don’t miss it! 

The workshop will work best for Founder, Chief Officer and Senior Manager with + 10 years, highly exposed to cross-cultural management.
6 Key Reasons to Attend:
a)      Introduced with the original theory -- The Hidden Advantage / Spirit Intelligence, to test leader’s limit for leadership advantage
b)      Facilitated by David to add Eastern Wisdom to Western Scientific Management in a globally integrated view towards leadership advancement
c)      Understand “4Ps” Leadership framework - Purpose, Passion, Plan, Persistence to polish leadership competency
d)      Examine Graphical Planning Language to Visualise leadership for high impact team-building
e)      Equipped with unique approaches to increase empowerment power, including “BEMS” 4D Model and psychic Mastermind’s Power
f)       Take away useful toolkit to improve management capability, including DISC model and Contribution Contract
A, 认知领导力开发的创新理论——“潜藏优势”,开发心智能量,突破领导力瓶颈
B, 了解“潜藏优势”理论如何将东方智慧融入西方管理学科,以全球思维应对领导力的全球挑战
D, 体验视觉化思维,图解愿景,改善规划,推动团队建设
E, 掌握有关人格力量和授权能力的创新概念,包括“BEMS”4D模型和“心智幕僚”概念,改善领导艺术
Learn more about this unique live learning opportunity for your senior management by calling +86 10 8571 1440-605, emailing leadership@linleadmeeting.com or Clicking Here to download the brochure.Learn more about this unique live learning opportunity for your senior management by calling +86 10 8571 1440-605, emailing leadership@linleadmeeting.com or Clicking Here to download the brochure.

Looking forward to your participation.

What Past Participants said:
1,“Great workshop and beneficial for the leadership development. This is the best leadership workshop I have ever attended in China. So enlightening and systematic.” --by CEO, China, Edible
2, “It was FANTASTIC, exceeded all my expectations and all the attendees were unanimous in this feedback. It has re-energised all of us. David is a superb facilitator and his passion is catching. I can recommend this workshop to anyone.” --by Head of Clinical Programme Management, Roche
3,“Through systematic learning featured mediation approach, the workshop promoted my leadership very much, I’m fond of such highly interactive workshop with limited participants.”-- by Chief Scientist, GBI
4,“Great, the workshop really inspired me a lot. Thanks.” -- by HRD, Neusoft Medical Group
1,“(会议)很有震撼力,醍醐灌顶式极具结构性的内容和激情四溢的沟通(授课)风格,对于领导者如何激发愿景和推动战略目标,并成就高凝聚力的团队的启发很深刻。” ——爱蒂宝食品中国区CEO
2“了不起,完全超出了我的预期;我想对于这个评价,所有参与者都毫无异议。这个会议将我们所有人都重新注满了活力。大卫是一个杰出的导师,富于热情和感染力。我向所有人推荐这个研讨会。” ——罗氏制药临床项目管理负责人
3,“通过这次会议系统的学习,对领导管理方面的提升帮助很大,增加了沉思的方法论;喜欢这种形式,由于人少和主讲者的互动特别多。” ——华大基因 科学体系负责人
4,“太棒了,感谢这样的研讨会,真的给我很大的启发。” ——东软集团医疗系统人力资源总监


Steven Li(李笛) 
Conference Producer会议出品人
LinLead Co.领励公司
Another LinLead’s event
3rd Employer Brand Strategy (EBS) Summit Asia 2014EBS 2014第三届雇主品牌(亚洲)峰会):13-14 November 2014


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