The say-on-pay votes are in. The majority of shareholders say they approve of executive compensation plans. A deeper analysis of these votes, however, indicates that pay for performance -----at least as currently defined-----may be more important than ever.
Say on pay is a Dodd-Frank Act provision that requires a nonbinding shareholder vote for or against executive compensation plans. Of more than 2300 Russell 3000 companies whose say-on-pay votes were analyzed in August by Institutional Shareholder Services Inc., a business management consultancy, only 1.6 percent failed to receive a majority of shareholder support for their executive pay practices.
Pay-for-performance concerns were a primary cause of “no”votes.
It appears that performance, perhaps even more than executive pay, is pivotal: Nearly 50 percent of the companies that failed their say-on-pay votes reported negative total shareholder returns in the double digits during the past three years.
Twenty-five percent of the negative say-on-pay votes occurred at companies in the energy sector. Homebuilders and real estate development companies----sectors that have underperformed in recent years---figured prominently among the 37 organizations that suffered majority dissent on say on pay.
Say on pay is a Dodd-Frank Act provision that requires a nonbinding shareholder vote for or against executive compensation plans. Of more than 2300 Russell 3000 companies whose say-on-pay votes were analyzed in August by Institutional Shareholder Services Inc., a business management consultancy, only 1.6 percent failed to receive a majority of shareholder support for their executive pay practices.
Pay-for-performance concerns were a primary cause of “no”votes.
It appears that performance, perhaps even more than executive pay, is pivotal: Nearly 50 percent of the companies that failed their say-on-pay votes reported negative total shareholder returns in the double digits during the past three years.
Twenty-five percent of the negative say-on-pay votes occurred at companies in the energy sector. Homebuilders and real estate development companies----sectors that have underperformed in recent years---figured prominently among the 37 organizations that suffered majority dissent on say on pay.