Given the way the economic and regulatory environments are shaping up in 2012, HR and rewards professionals likely will confront some tough questions during the next 12 months, including the following:
Question: what is our return on investment in people?
Driver: Executives outside of HR may still think that compensation represents a cost rather than an investment. This outlook “likely drives behavior in terms of how much sweat equity and care organizations place in the design and execution of their rewards programs,” notes Tom McMullen, reward practice leader at Hay Group. To help counteract this attitude, HR leaders should work on this difficult return-on-investment calculation.
Question: what is happening with Dodd-Frank?
Driver: Delays by the U.S. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in translating the expansive Dodd-Frank Act into specific provisions, an actively originally scheduled to conclude in August, has some executive compensation experts privately questioning how the law will be implemented. HR professionals at publicly listed companies must decide whether to wait and see or to make changes before the commission finishes the regulations; either way, corporate compliance capabilities should be primed and ready to respond.
问题:多德 - 弗兰克法案带来了什么影响?
起因: 美国证券和交易委员会已延迟了多德-弗兰克法案相关具体规定的出台,原定于8月份结束。使得一些高管薪酬的专家们私下质疑该法案该如何实施,上市公司的人力资源专业人士必须在证交会完成该法规前决定企业选择观望还是修改现行规定,无论哪种方式,企业应具备合规能力并准备作出回应。
Question: Are our rewards professionals totally empowered and accountable?
Driver: More organizations are adopting a total rewards approach to more effectively attract and retain top talent. However, compensation consultants report that many HR professionals who manage rewards programs are responsible for compensation and benefits, but not accountable for nonfinancial rewards.
Top 5 Pay-for-Performance Objectives
1. Attract, retain or reward talented employees.
2. Drive specific behaviors or results.
3. Encourage employee engagement.
4. Motivate employees to work harder.
5. Best way to allocate limited funds.